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Saturday, January 8, 2011
I swear I think I might kill myself if I have to be forced to play Metal Gear Solid 4. Oh wait! I shouldn't say PLAY, I should say WATCH! Because you can't go 10 minutes without a cut scene/movie clip. Oh yea kill-kill-kill, kick-kick-kick, stab-stab-stab. Oh sweet I get to kill THOSE guys. OH FREAKING WAIT! You don't, your cut scene self does... GSJHFG:LJSHDFOKUGHSDIFU:?GHSD:IUGSDHFHSDLJFHSDFJH. SOB SO B SOB CURSE YOU GAME-DEVELOPERS FOR GIVING ME THIS MOVIE CRAP IN PLACE OF A GAME........................... Alright I'm done with this rant so..... BYE!
Okay so recently, I've seen that I've been only talking about Xbox 360. So today I'm going to talk about my most recent game dominance on the Nitendo DS Lite. That's right we're talking about Phantasy Star Zero. ASIAN NERD RAGE! This game is like Phantasy Star Universe in many ways. Same races, weapons except for a few, rating T for Teen. But, the story line is so intense I CANT STOP PLAYING ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For anyone who has played it, I find it very interesting how Mother Trinity was created, corrupted, and her incentives. Its freaking great. I usually play as a RACAST. They awesome with there laser cannons and rifles.Oh by the way you can't play as beasts. Oh right, that brings me to difference number dos (Spanish for 2 people). The weapons differences are as follows: There are only dual machine-guns, the rifles are all multi-shot, and there are shields that are basically bucklers. There are also mags which you feed to level up and they do Power Blows which are croud control epicness. They're also like your little pets :) The third difference is the combat. Now, its still real-time, but, you can only shoot fast in combos. What?-you ask. Well let me explain: You have to hit the attack button one-two-three times in a perfect combo in order for a fast attack. Other wise its slow. Don't understand? Check out some gameplay videos. I would post a link but i haven't found anyone who understands and I don't have a hypercam thing for DS. So anyway if you do ask a question down there I'll answer it to the best of my abilities so ya. ITS THE BEST GAME FOR DS I HAVE EVER SEEN!

These. They released it for TRON: Legacy and its sick. LED blue light ups, TRON in LED blue, and some sick material on the outside. Want one? I do. Go to http://www.amazon.com/TRON-Wired-Controller-Xbox-360-Collectors/dp/B003WTMR7A to get one off Amazon. This is definitley the best controller I have ever seen before.
Phantasy Star (the real game) is great!
So after recently trying it out, i've learned its a smashing success. I love the New Years decor and club. Both not in the demo. Also, room decoration placement is better putting it anywhere instead of one spot. And theres wallpaper and flooring. The new weapons are laser cannons, grenade launchers, crossbows, claws, double-bladed swords, rods, mags (dukes), shotguns (higher than 3 star) and other stuff I have yet to discover. There's also Maotoob which is the beast world. There are so much more clothing options. Higher levels, the list just goes on. Its great. Got any questions? Want any help? Comment down there :)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Trying Out Phantasy Star Universe Today.
So as we speak I am downloading the Ambition of the Illuminus in order to play Phantasy Star Universe online without using the demo. I have played the story mode of the actual game and played the demo (which has online only) and they are both great so I decided to play the online acutal. I know this is an old game but I still would like to see great results. I only purchased one month so if it does suck I will not have a total loss on my hands. Wish me luck and comment about the game/my blog. All right down there!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Halo: Reach Lt. Colonel Today.
So i know everyone thinks I'm probably a noob in Halo: Reach because I'm only a Lt. Colonel, but you know what I don't really give a chapstick!(http://www.youtube.com/watchv=8pfSDMrYSgU&playnext=1&list=PLBCC4C4F418873357&index=2)
So anyway, I finally got my CQC soldiers and Grenadier knees. As well as my pretty cool Field Marshal Elite armor. They're pretty cool, but I have to say Halo: Reach really sucks in ways of armor and credit income when you are a really low level. You really have to play it a lot and really stick with it to get good and happy with the game. Oh and by the way my gamertag is AnElcorSpectre (Mass Effect reference if anyone cares). Anyhoo, all my friends are a bit higher than me so they can see higher ranking stuff and I have got to say: It sucks not being able to see higher level armor at a low level. This is because you save your credits for something at the next rank, only to see you need SO much more credits for the next cool thing at the next higher rank. It SUCKS. And it would be a lot easier to conserve and spend credits wisely. Well for all you Halo: Reach goers out there, hows my spartan look? Comment and let me know. Oh and by the way bungie.net hasn't updated my Spartan so this link doesn't necessarily look exactly like my actual Spartan yet. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Default.aspx?player=AnElcorSpectre
So anyway, I finally got my CQC soldiers and Grenadier knees. As well as my pretty cool Field Marshal Elite armor. They're pretty cool, but I have to say Halo: Reach really sucks in ways of armor and credit income when you are a really low level. You really have to play it a lot and really stick with it to get good and happy with the game. Oh and by the way my gamertag is AnElcorSpectre (Mass Effect reference if anyone cares). Anyhoo, all my friends are a bit higher than me so they can see higher ranking stuff and I have got to say: It sucks not being able to see higher level armor at a low level. This is because you save your credits for something at the next rank, only to see you need SO much more credits for the next cool thing at the next higher rank. It SUCKS. And it would be a lot easier to conserve and spend credits wisely. Well for all you Halo: Reach goers out there, hows my spartan look? Comment and let me know. Oh and by the way bungie.net hasn't updated my Spartan so this link doesn't necessarily look exactly like my actual Spartan yet. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Default.aspx?player=AnElcorSpectre
The New Master of Oblivion!
So today I was on Xbox 360 and guess what happened? My favorite rpg of all time, Oblivion of course, was mastered by none other than myself! I now have all the achievements, dlc, and have done pretty much everything in the game! Water breathing, water walking, mountain jumping, magical weapon repairing, and even Daedric shrine questing! I can do anything now that I am the Grey Fox: guild master of the thieves guild, guildmaster of the fighters guild, archmage of the mages guild, and even listener of the Dark Brotherhood! But don't forget I own Battlehorn Castle, Frostcrag Spire, Dunbarrow cave, and even Deepscorn Hollow. I have also repaired the Orrery and captured Mehrunes Razor! I am also the lead crusader of the very Nine themselves! I've been all over Cyrodiil and its magical Shivering Isles, eventually becoming Prince of Madness myself! Armor that does 100% reflect damage? Mine. Try beating that, and if you did or you just want to comment about this, go ahead and put it right there in the comments box!
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