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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The New Master of Oblivion!

 So today I was on Xbox 360 and guess what happened? My favorite rpg of all time, Oblivion of course, was mastered by none other than myself! I now have all the achievements, dlc, and have done pretty much everything in the game! Water breathing, water walking, mountain  jumping, magical weapon repairing, and even Daedric shrine questing! I can do anything now that I am the Grey Fox: guild master of the thieves guild, guildmaster of the fighters guild, archmage of the mages guild, and even listener of the Dark Brotherhood! But don't forget I own Battlehorn Castle, Frostcrag Spire, Dunbarrow cave, and even Deepscorn Hollow. I have also repaired the Orrery and captured Mehrunes Razor! I am also the lead crusader of the very Nine themselves!   I've been all over Cyrodiil and its magical Shivering Isles, eventually becoming Prince of Madness myself! Armor that does 100% reflect damage? Mine. Try beating that, and if you did or you just want to comment about this, go ahead and put it right there in the comments box!

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